Monday, June 7, 2010

Canny inverse

The canny part of the way in which this uncanny agglomeration(see post below) of objects presents itself is in the red of the pool table's felt: it's the precise inverse of perfect pool table green in the additive colour model.

When I saw this scene I thought of my delirious, drunken days at the University Club pool table I felt blue.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


I was invited to speak at a conference, on African Urbanism, in Cairo.

Amongst the heavies were Abdoumaliq Simone(urban theorist) and Filip de Boeck(anthropologist).

I presented my thoughts on some ethical problems associated with photographing strangers in a city, and a method of photographing cities which gives a sense of the way in which people move through urban space.

After the conference finished I walked Cairo...

The woman with her kid lives in an area called the 'City of the Dead'

I know her name, but I don't know how to spell it. Once I have a good translation I will post it.