Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Murder and arrogance

This is Blitz. He was a general in the notorious gangs of Pollsmoor prison. He was killed shortly after he left the safe confines of the jail in which he was a king pin.

We got along pretty well. He said to me that he could have me killed very easily. I knew this. I asked him not to have me killed, using the prefix 'please' and trying not to emphasise my concern. It worked.

I can't remember exactly why he was inside. He had killed a couple of people. I think he said on a Sunday, because they were making a noise. If my memory serves me correctly he said six.

The film was supplied to me by my employers. It had been damaged by Xrays. I am retouching it now.

PS. The singular portrait was made in his cell on a 4 by 5 inch camera with almost no light, assistant or guard. Behind me are a range of fairly nasty inmates trying to steal my equipment. It was fucking hot-that's why Blitz has his crucifix showing.

A long account of the prison gang system was written by Jonny Steinberg with whom I worked in Pollsmoor. It is called The Number.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what gang he was General in, the 26s, 27s, or the 28s? The man named John Mongrel that appeared in Ross Kemp on Gangs was a ex-General of the 28s. He was released a few years ago.