Sunday, May 15, 2011


When I lived in Berlin I became friendly with Ida who studied at the same university. At the end of an evening of excited chit-chat, suggestive glances and witheld information at Club Duncker she invited me back to her apartment. I declined on account of a reason which, as it left my lips, seemed utterly ridiculous. A major fuck-up.

The following night I changed my mind(surprise surprise) and called Ida to take her up on her offer of the same morning. She said that the sell-by date of the offer had passed.

A few days later she came to my apartment and I gave her a glass of water for refreshment. I also made this portrait.

The body of water represents the crux of my relationship with Ida and will always remain suspended between the possibility of sex and a late-night, half-can of refrigerated tuna fisch.

1 comment:

Garth Walker said...

Wonderful story, and a typical male lament. How on earth did you manage to miss a bite from this peach? With age, ones recovers, and hopefully avoid such fuck ups in future...